Tuesday, November 1, 2016

43, Chronic Illness and C-Section Tidbit

In speaking to someone who was about to give birth via unexpected c-section, I decided that although this was not a scent-free or food allergy discussion it merited a quick blog post. 

I was 43 1/2 years with a chronic illness when I gave birth to my daughter.  Three weeks before my due date I had to make the decision to have a c-section or allow the doctor to turn her in the womb. Whether, I was ready or not she was coming out butt first. With the seasoning of my age and a few chronic illnesses under my belt, I thought best to have the c-section done. By that time, I was due I was ready to cut her out myself with a butter knife. I was done. I actually started having contractions the day the c-section was scheduled. 

In retrospect, one of the mistakes I think I made was sleeping in a recliner. Sleeping in the bed was very uncomfortable.  The recliner, however, allowed me to pop myself up and out and pee for the 100th time in a day. Nevertheless, I don't think this allowed my baby to properly turn during gestation.  Again, this is my take on it.

During the c-section, it was apparent she was stuck (under the rib cage, I presumed) because she had a line in her head diagonal which did go away with the gentle rubbing of her head.  It appeared that the doctors had difficulty getting her out.. both doctors needed to tug. She came out... and is beautiful I might say. That was 12 years ago. I have nothing to compare healing time to as she is my first, my last, my everything... (ok, Barry White said that, but it fits).

Don't deny yourself the help of family and friends. It still takes a village. Two things.... First, as soon as you get the Dr's ok to exercise do it.. work on the abs... . you will be sorry later. I realize I am older and many a body part has taken their decent to South America, but a little exercise...might have kept the decent from seemingly permanent.

Secondly, the ride home from the hospital is the worst. If you can find something to brace up what remains of the belly, you will be all the wiser and in less pain. My friend told me about the ride home as she also had a c-section and she was right, every bump, nook and cranny of the road you will feel. ok... 3 things... figure out the car seat, stroller and any other contraption ahead of time. You almost need a PHD in baby gear.  

This list is up to 4. Tell someone to check your hair before photos and make sure your hair does not stick up like a Velociraptor... you will be too drugged out, post birth, to know what is happening but mad later when you see the photos. Ok that is my 2 cents worth or more.